This tutorial was started back in October, hence the date below, but I FINALLY got time to finish, sorry for the wait.
Cherry Sweets Tutorial
October 21rst 2011
By: KMLDesignz
Supplies Needed:
PSP, any version should work, I am using PSP 9
Tube of choice, I am using the awesome work by FourXsDesigns
This is a PTU tube and you need a license to use it, you can purchase the tube @ PTE here
Scrapkit of choice, I am using PTU kit Cherry Pie from Designs By Sarah @ PMTWS
Font of choice, I am using Pea Aimee.
Let’s Get Started:
Open up PSP and your supplies, minimize them for now, open up a new image 700*500, you can resize later if needed.
Open up a frame of choice from your kit, I am using frame 2 from the kit I have, C/P as new layer, resize this once @ 70% smartsize and sharpen once.
Open up a paper of choice from your kit, I am using paper 2 from the kit, C/P as new layer, resize twice @ 80% smartsize, sharpen at least 2 times, erase any that hangs over the frame, bring this below the frame layer, add a drop shadow to your frame layer, V&H-1 Opacity-100 Blur-2 Color-BLK.
Open up your tube of choice, I took two parts of my tube, the close up of the face and part of her cupcake tray and pasted those into the frame and erased any that hung over, you can do this as well with yours, make sure to resize it first so it fits nicely into the frame, sharpen at least twice. For mine I changed the blend mode of the tube layers so it blends into the paper, I changed the face layer to Luminance Legacy and lowered the opacity to 66, the other one I changed to hardlight and left it at that.
Now take your tube again, the full-size one, C/P as new layer and resize at least a few times and sharpen twice or more whichever looks best, add same drop shadow as before and fit it nicely in your frame, duplicate your frame layer and bring one above the tube and below it, the one above it erase any that cover the tube.
Let’s Decorate The Taggie:
Trying something different, open up the following supplies for the decorating of the tag
Sugar container, mixing bowl, Wisk, Spoon, word art (I am using the one in the kit I have), cherries (I used cherries 2 from the kit), a lace type ribbon (I used the white one in the kit I have), a ribbon bow style type (used the red and white strip in the kit I have)
Now take the sugar container, mixing bowl and C/P as new layer and then resize both @ 80% smartsize, 4 times, sharpen twice and add a drop shadow with these settings, V&H- 1, Opacity-100 Blur-2 Color-blk.
I placed these both next to each other on the left side of the tag, with some room between them, use tag sample as a guide or go your way.
Take the word art and C/P as new layer, resize @ 80% smartsize 3 times, sharpen once, duplicate then merge together, add same drop shadow as before, I placed this on top of all layers in the bottom right of the tag, use sample as guide.
Take the wisk and spoon, C/P as new layer, resize both @ 80% smartsize 4 times, take the spoon and rotate 10 degrees to the right, then sharpen twice, do the same for the wisk but rotate to the left, place both these next to the bowl and container, use sample as guide or go your own way. Use the same drop shadow as before.
Take the lacey ribbon, C/P as new layer and resize once @ 80% smartsize, sharpen once and give it the same drop shadow, place this behind the frame layer we did earlier.
Now take the red ribbon or which ever ribbon your going to use, C/P as new layer, resize twice @ 80% smartsize, and sharpen twice, same drop shadow as before, place behind the wordart, bowl and container, plus spoon and wisk, as always use the sample as a placing guide.
Take the cherries from the kit, C/P as new layer, resize 3 times @ 80% smartsize, sharpen twice, same drop shadow, and place in the top right of the tag.
Take your final ribbon, which will be the knotted one, C/P as new layer, resize 3 times @ 80% smartsize, mirror once, then rotate 90 degrees to the right, place in the top left of the tag, above all layers. Same drop shadow as before.
Now take your font of choice, add your name plus any gradient glow or effects with eye candy 4000, I did the glass effect plus gradient glow for my sample, with an inner bevel. Also put any copyright info that belongs on the tag and your watermark, save as a png or jpg and your done!
Thanks for trying my new tutorial, hope you liked it!